Dental Veneers Can Transform Your Smile

Do you feel embarrassed about your teeth? Do you wish you can have a beautiful smile? If so, dental veneers may be right for you! Our dentist, Dr. Jamie Choi with Jamie P. Choi, DDS in San Jose, California, understands how important a smile is, and is happy to talk to you about dental veneers and how they can improve... read more »

Do You Have a Cracked Tooth?

In most instances, damage to a tooth is easy to detect. However, unlike a broken or lost tooth; or a cavity, a cracked tooth may not be as easy to detect. A cracked tooth is not always visible. In fact, a crack in your tooth may be so small that it does not show up in a routine dental exam,... read more »

Strengthen Your Teeth With Healthy Food

How can you feel better, find extra energy, keep your body healthy, and provide your teeth with extra strength and durability? Though it sounds like this would be difficult, the answer is quite simple — good nutrition. To help maintain your teeth and overall health, you can make an effort to eat better. Our dentist, Dr. Jamie Choi, and all... read more »

Planning and Treating Oral Emergencies

Planning and treating oral emergencies is vital for a successful and speedy recovery. Some oral emergencies require a minimal amount of care, such as the times where gauze needs to be applied to stop the bleeding. However, there are times where fact acting is required to ensure an optimal result with your recovery. Listed below are some common oral emergencies... read more »